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I am six years old out of my mother, to the city to live in.Intermediate was back home in two, are for the funeral, only stay with their mothers for a few days, still go back to the city.I read in the university the second grade time, mother abandoned, lived only in his forties.I cry for a few years, unable to eat, too anxious to sleep.I really want to with his mother in the underground.My wish didn't come true.Ever since I became a motherless.A lack of maternal love of children, is the soul of the people.I am not the soul, her lifelong regret.The thought of his mother, he wept, for several decades as one day.

Later I went to Germany to study abroad, to live in a town called Gottingen lonely town, don't know why, mother frequency to come into my dream.My motherland, I was the first to leave her, don't know why, my mother also frequency to come into my dream.

In order to illustrate the emotion, I from Gottingen beginning diary excerpts paragraphs:

November 16, 1935

Soon there black rose.I think this evening when most interesting.I don't turn on the lights, and silently stood at the window, watching the night sky gradually woven fabric, on the opposite side of the roof.All are sunk in the dim thin dark.My heart is often in the quiet to calm time, activity.I thought of home, home of an old friend, with a bitter heart, a little sad.However this bleak is different common sad, is a sweet, thick, a taste, thick paste in the heart.

November 18th

Several days ago, the landlady is said to me, her son came home from school today, she was overjoyed……But her son has not come back, she's a little upset.She added, night train, maybe he will come.See his face, I remembered my mother died in the hometown underground, I really want to cry! I know it at all times and in all countries, the mother is the same!

November 20th

I'm really homesick, miss the motherland, the motherland to friends in the.Sometimes I want to just can't stand.

November 28th

I leaned on the sofa, listening to the sound of the wind in the crossing.The wind accompanied by rain.The sky as night.The same heart, think again of motherland.

I am from Gottingen arrives first diary, quoted in recent period.In fact, there are many similar places, from this a few period also remarkable.The thought of the birth mother and the mother of the motherland, I trendy Fanyong, stay abroad. Even shade does not have.A few months later, I wrote the essay, titled "dream".The first paragraph is:

Dream of mother night, I wake up crying.Wake up to catch it when the dream, dream is early know fly to somewhere.

The following description in a dream to see mother.The last paragraph is: day!Even a clear dreams don't give me?Let me look gray days, in tears, showing the mother's face.

I when at home, just the memory, only can miss a mother.Go overseas, in my memory adds to the motherland.This miss, in the early to Gottingen when extremely strong.Will not break.On the two the memory of his mother, has been accompanied by I spent in Europe for eleven years.

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