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Whales live in the ocean, because the shape like a fish, many people call it the whale.In fact, it does not belong to the fish, is a mammal.In the far ancient times, whale ancestors with flocks and herds ancestors, living in the land.Later, the environment has changed, the whale ancestors living in the shallow water close to the land; and after a long time, their forelimbs and tail became a fin, hindlimb completely degraded, whole body became the fish looks, adapted to life in the sea.

Many species of whales, in general can be divided into two categories: one category is the baleen whales, no teeth; one is the toothed whales, have sharp teeth.

The whale was so big, what they eat?They mainly eat shrimp and small fish.They are in the ocean when travel, with his mouth open, many small fish and shrimps with seawater together in your mouth, then shut up, seawater from must be filtered out of the middle of the plate, fish and shrimp in my stomach, meal can eat more than 2000 kg.Toothed whales eat mainly fish and marine mammals.They meet a big fish and marine mammals, will fiercely attack, with sharp teeth to bite, soon.There is a known as the "tiger of the sea" killer whale, sometimes dozens of head formed a group, surrounded by a more than 30 tons of baleen whales, a few hours ate it up.

Whale with flocks and herds as lungs, that it is not fish.The whale's nostrils at the head, breath when the floating surface of Shanghai, from the nostril spouting gas forming a column of water, like a fountain in the garden; and the lungs filled his lungs, and dive into the water.The whale at certain time to breathe again.Different species of whale, ejective gas formation in the water column are not the same: whale column is vertical, thin and high; the toothed column is tilted, and coarse and short.Experienced fishermen according to the water column shape, can judge the type and size of the whale.

Whale every day to sleep.Sleeping, always a few head together, looking for a safe place, head, tail outwards, circle, quietly floating in the sea.If you hear any noise, they immediately went to swim away.

The whale is viviparous, the baby to eat mother's milk to grow up.These characteristics also explain a whale is a mammal.Finback was born more than ten meters long, weighing seven thousand kilograms, day can grow thirty kilograms to fifty kilograms, two or three years can become a whale.The whale's life is very long, generally can live for decades to one hundred years.

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