
















A few days ago a poet's visit, saw me in the paper on the subject, that is written I published the first book of poems, I said: "no, it is sixty years ago the first grade of primary school language textbook."He smiled and said: "what good writing textbook?"I explained to him that: "but this makes my life unforgettable, it resembles the German Bulaoen" father and son "in a series of paintings, but looked very difficult to laugh."My childhood without humor, only from the nature of intercellular induction to a life initial joy and dreams.

We have a lot of books, it is the father, do not belong to me.Father in Peking University audited, after the great revolution failed to return home, bringing a box of books and a large sack of sweet potato.The book and the sweet potato in our village are the strange things.Father's collection with Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Zhu Ziqing, and the "New Youth", "medium", "North", "new moon".I often wonder to look at, not read, can draw.Grandmother laughed at me, saying: "you this is called blind dog looking at the stars."The head of the magazine, holding our family "shoe and brightly coloured window.".There are many wonderful things.My father is away from home more than 10 years to Cui Village Primary School, do not always go home.

I am the spring on the primary school, the summer vacation the very next day, father came back.I was watching the wheat drying yard, kept rout sparrows, grandma's most hated the wheat blending on the sparrow dung.A new wheat through the sun get a sweet taste, very easy to hypnosis and urge the dream.My father wakes me up, I saw him with handspring with golden wheat, turn around and ask me: "do you have a few names?"I said: "second."Father touch my forehead "mane", is pleased to praise me: "good."Grandmother in the house to speak to us, said in a loud voice: "there are only three students in their class."The father asked: "who is the third?"I looked down in silence, for my grandmother replied: "third is two yellow."Two yellow hand fingers can not be said to have, the village people who all know.My father pulled a long face, said to me: "the book brought, I test you."He sat down on the spot, I dawdle, do not want to go, not endorsed read me, I'm afraid he saw the pathetic textbooks.His father is a very good-natured man, I thought I could rely on the past.He felt there was any mystery, make me immediately brought, I had to take the books out of the room.Father looked at me. The so-called primary school the first grade language volume one, he paused for a long time, toss about to see.I stand in front of his head.

I like the book where a textbook!It is a mass of paper.The book is cut off, only the lower half part, no cover, no tail.I think my father will beat me up, No.He looked at me with bitterness tear-filled eyes, and asked: "half of it?"I said: "the half gave Joe Yuan-zhen."The father asked: "why do to him?"I replied: "they can't afford to buy the book, the teacher provided, each have one, but also on the desk, I had to put the book into two halves with a knife, he half half."My father asked me: "you two how to read?"I said: "I had the book from a to Z memorize.Qiao Yuanzhen is so in the first test, because my name wrong, the 'history' for the Chenghan '' word among little wrote a cross."Father deep sigh.He knew Qiao Yuanzhen's pain, said: "Yuan Zhen than you have."In order to write well, then he put me in the name of "for" change "into".

My father let me endorsement, my breath back."Dog, big dog, puppy, puppy dog jump, jump, big dog, the dog is also called……"Word perfect.

Father and his father Qiao Yuanzhen Qiao Hai who is a good friend, Joe the very poor, Joe the sea after two or three years from the jingle County home for a while, he worked as a tutor in Jingle County gully.Face black and wrinkled, back bow like a "lion back lamp" (ceramic lamps)。

My father said to me: "you get from Yuan Zhen that half of the book."I don't know why father, give the book how can I come back?Yuan Zhen put half of the book gives me, cried and said: "my mom will not let me go to school."

At night, I saw his father in the dim oil lamp cut down a lot of white.The very next day morning, my father called me to his house, the two bound volumes of books to me.His father's hand is a coincidence, even the two book tinkering, bound into two complete books, written words and printed as good-looking, also with kraft paper bag paper, writing the name.Yuan Zhen no longer at school, but I still see father complement binding of books to him.

This is my first book.For the Yuan Zhen, I am afraid of his life is only a book.

Father of the home to bring me a bag, also bought a slate pencil.Come to school, my father told me his mother to discuss, think our village study is not a study place, my father asked me to follow him to the Cui Village Primary school.I keep the integrity of the unusual books brought to.To Cui Zhuang, know except "Mandarin", should have had "arithmetic" and "common sense", because it is not in this two book, we just read the "Mandarin".

It should also be turned to talk about my first book, I should write a book for it than it is thick book, it is worth my humble soul tribute to.

We there tube "school" called "study".Daily study, my two dogs to follow me.The textbook on the first word is "dog", I deliberately take the dog with.Two dogs pupils generally behave in the classroom window waiting for me outside.I have already put the dog training well, when I said "big dog", the big dog barking sound, when I say "dog", the dog will immediately call several.We are four grade 10 students in the same class, which set the whole room roaring with laughter.Course not.After the class, the teacher asked me to go, got a good dressing-down, said: "look at you that be well-educated and a model of propriety of the father's face, I'm not your palm."He sent me standing in the courtyard, endorsement, I loudly from a to Z by.Two dogs squatting beside me, accompany me to endorsement, yelping with……During the period of Anti-Japanese War, a war of two is not afraid of death, negative a few back injury.He is not stupid, just a little dead heart, died several years ago.His life by the generations of respect.Heard that Qiao Yuanzhen is still alive, his life with the basket in the nearby village selling cigarette, peanut, match and other small East west.

The friends come here, please have a look this article he must.The first book I really ought to write, if not to write, I have to read this for decades, more to write this decades of poetry.People cannot forget.

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