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Hometown kite season, is spring in February, if the wind rustle heard round sound, hyperextension can see a darkish crab-kite or one resembling a blue kite.Kite tiles are lonely, no wind round, and very low, learn by heart the whole show haggard look pitiful.Now the willow has germination, early flowering Prunus davidiana is much also, and children of the sky decorated anaphora, become integrated with the gentle spring.Where am I now?There were still winter chill, and the long goodbye hometown long gone in the spring, but the sky in the waves.

But I always don't love flying kites, not only doesn't love, and hated him, because I think this is the play of kids with little promise.And I is the opposite of my little brother, he was about ten years old, sickly, inside and outside, thin out, however the most like the kite, they can not afford to buy, I'm not a discharge, he had a small mouth, staring at the sky god, sometimes the small half-day.Distant crab-like kite suddenly fell down, he exclaimed; two tile-kites got twisted and then taken apart, he would jump with joy.This, in my opinion are the laughing stock, contemptible.

One day, I suddenly remembered, seems much older not seen much of him, but I had noticed him picking up bamboo sticks in the backyard.

I see light suddenly like, ran over to few people to a lumber to the hut, opened the door, and he in dusty heap of things to see him.He sat facing big square stool, stool; he is dismayed to stand up, lost Shaise crouching.Large square stool beside a Butterfly Kite bamboo bone, no paste on the paper, the stool is a pair of eyes with wind wheel, is decorated with red paper, will be finished.I cracked the secret meeting, and angry at his behind my eyes, so try hard to do nothing to steal children.I immediately reached for a broken butterfly wings, and the wheels to the ground, trampled on them.In size, the strength, he was no match for me, of course I achieve complete victory, so proudly walked out, leaving him standing in despair in the cabin.He later how, I do not know, nor heed.

However my punishment finally turn in us, apart for a long time, I was already middle-aged.I was unlucky enough to read a foreign about children's books, that play is a child's toy is justifiable, children's angel.So twenty years without recalling the young for the spirit of the killing of this scene, suddenly in the eyes, and my heart seemed to change at the same time the lead, very heavy falling down.

But the heart is not had fallen down as far as the break, he's just very heavy ground falling, falling with.

I also know that the mended method: send him kite, in favour of him, persuaded him, he and I together.We cried, running, laughing.However he was -- and I have the same, already have a beard.

I know there is another way to make up: to ask his forgiveness, and he said, "but I didn't blame you."So, my heart would be easily, it is a feasible method.Once, when we met, face have been added. "" many hard stripes, and my heart was very heavy.We are talking about when things come, I will go up to the day since boyhood, say confused."But I didn't blame you."

I want to, he will say, I immediately received the forgiveness, my heart will loose.

"This has happened?"He smiled with amazement, as if it were a story about someone else.He doesn't remember anything.

Forgotten, no hate, what forgiveness whatsoever?Complaint free will, lying.

I wish to ask for what?My heart was heavy with.

Now, the spring of my hometown was in the sky of a foreign place, only give me long gone childhood memories, but also could not hold together with sorrow.I would rather hide in dread winter go, -- but, clearly all about winter, it gave me very Hanwei and cold.

  • 鲁迅诗:忍看朋辈成新鬼,怒向刀丛觅小诗

    鲁迅诗一: 《彷徨》 寂寞新文苑,平安旧战场。 两间余一卒,荷戟独彷徨。 鲁迅诗二: 《呐喊》 弄文罹文网,抗世违世情。 积毁可销骨,空留纸上声。 鲁迅诗三: 《无题》 万家墨面没蒿菜,敢有歌吟动地哀。 心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。 鲁迅诗四: 《

  • 鲁迅名言名句:不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡

    1、 有一分热,发一分光。 2、 不满是向上的车轮。(鲁迅) 3、 不满是向上的车轮。(鲁迅) 4、 倘能生存,我当然仍要学习。 5、 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首干为孺子牛。 6、 不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。 7、 无情未必真豪杰,怜子如何不丈夫 8、 改造自己

  • 关于鲁迅的名言警句:一滴水,用显微镜看,也是一个大世界

    勇者举刀向强者。--鲁迅名言 写不出的时候不硬写。--鲁迅名言 寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕。 --鲁迅名言 心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。 --鲁迅名言 血沃中原肥劲草,寒凝大地发春华。 --鲁迅名言 忍看朋辈成新鬼,怒向刀丛觅小诗。 --鲁迅名言 无情

  • 逆风飞翔的风筝,才能飞得高


  • 鲁迅有关读书的名言:倘只看书,便变成书橱

    倘只看书,便变成书橱。 写不出的时候不硬写 。 读书要眼到、口到、心到、手到、脑到。 要竭力将可有可无的字、句、段删去,毫不可惜。 读书就应该要像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样,书是逆境中的慰藉。 年青时读书就像迎着朝阳走路,最淡的墨水也胜过最强的记忆

  • 孔子语录原文:学而时习之,不亦说乎

    子曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎 孔子说:学习并且按时温习所学的知识,不是很愉快的吗?有朋友从远方来,不是很快乐的吗?(即使)人家不了解我也不恼恨,不就是品德高尚的人吗? 子曰:温故而知新,可以为师

  • 鲁迅关于读书的名言:读书要眼到、口到、心到、手到、脑到

    不满足是向上的车轮。 倘只看书,便变成书橱。 读书要眼到、口到、心到、手到、脑到。 年轻时读书就像迎着朝阳走路,最淡的墨水也胜过最强的记忆。 读书就应该要像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样,书是逆境中的慰藉。 无论是学文学的,学科学的,他应该先看一部关于

  • 当风筝厌倦了天空,能否就会义无返顾的坠入大海

    当风筝厌倦了天空,能否就会义无返顾的坠入大海? 当你真正去等候一个人的时分,那个人永远都不会呈现! 当我终于知道什么叫爱情的时候已无法重来,如--当我知道什么叫做流年的时候,爱以随风逝。

  • 关于鲁迅的名言:不满足是向上的车轮

    不满足是向上的车轮。 单是说不行,要紧的是做。 改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难。 我好象一只牛,吃的是草,挤出的是奶、血。 自由固不是钱所买到的,但能够为钱而卖掉。 心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。 血沃中原肥劲草,寒凝大地发春华。 哪里有天才,我

  • 鲁迅名言警句:横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛

    不满是向上的车轮--鲁迅 不革新,是生存也为难的--鲁迅 博识家的话多浅,专门家的话多悖--鲁迅 叭儿狗往往比它的主人更严厉--鲁迅 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛 -- 鲁 迅 寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕-- 鲁 迅 时间,就象海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是

  • 孔子家语原文及翻译:小人成群,斯足忧矣

    《孔子家语》始诛第二 【原文】 孔子为鲁司寇①,摄行相事,有喜色。仲由问曰:由闻君子祸至不惧,福至不喜,今夫子得位而喜,何也?孔子曰:然,有是言也。不日'乐以贵下人'乎?于是朝政七日而诛乱政大夫少正卯②,戮之于两观之下,尸于朝三日③。 子贡进曰

  • 鲁迅名言:其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路

    1、 时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。 2、 倘只看书,便变成书橱。 3、 我好象是一只牛,吃的是草,挤出的是牛奶。 4、 不满是向上的车轮,能够载着不自满的人前进。 5、横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛 6、寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕 7、愿

