


After reading "the ugly duckling" this article, I know the "can't judge a book by its cover," can't laugh at others.

Although some people childhood long ugly, but her good heart, wisdom, and can grow up to be a beautiful "white swan". Some people childhood long quite beautiful, like a princess, but her heart malice, love to laugh at other people, wait until a day, she will be a friend also have no, the longer the ugly, childhood "white swan" will also become "the ugly duckling".

The appearance of beauty and ugliness is only a small part of life.

I think that although this article of the ugly duckling no faith, but it is still very strong, it knows that long very ugly, it know friends don't like it, but it does not want to: "since I long that ugly, since the friends all don't like me, I live in the world still have what use!" If I were in the article the ugly duckling, those little duck, the dog and the cat to laugh at me, I will say unto them ": although I am ugly, but I'm good heart, a strong, there will always be those who like me."

We want to XiangWenZhang backwater of learning, no matter what others say, you have to be strong, don't give up, we also a reason to know a man's tenth lies not in the physical appearance, beautiful truth in having a pure mind."


Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, they should learn to walk the feet. Every child will have a dream of their own, as long as they learn to establish life goals, self-confidence, self-improvement, Independence grow up, they will really struggle through the original can also become aware of their "white swan" like the ugly duckling can achieve the same dream in the heart

After reading THE UGLY DUCK,I have a lot to say. dedecms.com

In the story,the ugly duck lost his self-confidence.But after having a talk with the old duck,he became confident.At last,he even turned into a beautiful swan.

If we do not have a pretty appearance,we can also be successful in the future.We can even go beyond others.When we are trapped,we should not lose our confidence but raise our heads and believe succeis waiting for us. copyright dedecms

The author pays homage to Hans Christian Andersen‘s compassionate tale with this faithful adaptation. Kids can relate to the duckling‘s dilemma; part of the growing-up proceis pulling away from those around you and developing a strong sense of self. Children have also witnessed or experienced the teasing that is part and parcel of childhood.

This agelestory speaks acrogenerations with its reaffirming message. In this age of instant gratification, Andersen‘s tale reminds readers that some things are worth waiting for and that a pleasure deferred (whether by choice or necessity) is often the sweetest one of all. dedecms.com

Pinkney‘s descriptive passages resonate with the splendor of nature‘s beauty. The glowing watercolors, filled with intricate details, make each blade of gravisible, and the delicately drawn, nearly transparent mosquitoes are as ethereal as they are in life. The subtle details incorporated into the scenes--a frog catching a passing fly at the pond and a tiny mouse perched by a crate in the old woman‘s cottage--make children take another look.

One day he heard a sound of whirring wings, and up in the air he saw a flock of birds flying high. They were as bright as the snow that had fallen during the night, and their long necks were stretched southward. Oh, if only he could go with them! But what sort of companion could he be to those beautiful beings?

‘I am too ugly even for a dog to eat,‘ the duckling thought. Jerry Pinkney‘s poignant text and rich artwork convey the timeleappeal of this tale of hardship and redemption. Anyone who has suffered the sting of ostracism can sympathize!

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