


French writer Maupassant is the world's one of the best short story master. The surf-ace Maupassant's works are the narrative of the community seems to be commonplace, but it is implied meaning is very profound. 1880, "Yang Zhi ball" the publication of his fame. The works will Flaubert called masterpiece. The article also become the world's literary history of the classic. It is able to Helijiqun, the author of life lies in refining the unique eye.

Yang Zhi ball" in the Prussian War period Maupassant set to be a protagonist in the bottom of society, discriminated against by the prostitutes, as Zhengmianrenwu to describe, this is the work of this special place; more attractive People is that he will be the same all kinds of prostitutes, Daomaoanran bourgeois figures for comparison - go to the United Kingdom in the way flight, Yang Zhi due to the emergence of the ball, on the carriage of people to this article from the secretarial 114 networks have become Friends, but also Qinmiwujian friends. Even in such circumstances, remain a prostitute in front of the kind put on a Zimingqinggao this article from the secretarial114 net。However, to the later, the "elite" in the absence of food, when they saw the car with food only when the ball Yang Zhi, emitted the eyes of the hated the attention. Apparently, they have the hunger coming. Yang Zhi cynical to the first ball, the sponsors of the Georgia offensive Loizeau, when her eyes are stubbornly pegged那只observed to be full of food to the Bowl this article from the secretarial 114 network, hypocritical to say: "Miaoji, the Our far-sighted than his wife. "Yang Zhi When the ball to his food, Loizeau and shamelesaid:" Yes, tell the truth, I also difficult to refuse, I really Zhichibuzhu the Ede.In time of war must at times of war do not. Mrs. ? "See, also discriminate against others before, this time by the grace, others said" wife ", it is shamelessly……

Yang Zhi-trip in order not to drag, Weiquqiuquan to sell their soul. But all in exchange for peers who do not have the sympathy and, more to enhance their discrimination against her, saying although Loizeau of the very poor, but the presence of the people - in addition to Yang Zhi ball, no one was harsh. Fenji and also because of other things, is dominated by the environment… Finally, Yang Zhi ball in the "Help", the matter was finally completed,They get "pass" after the departure of the… the so-called upper figures for their own interests, personality and etiquette is also dwarfed by such a description is ingenuity, which fully shows that most of this protagonist's sense of justice and compassion Good minds and were attacked targets of the extreme selfishneand shameleugly soul. This article is the use of a more comprehensive than the reality, the more clear, more convincing scenes, Hongtuo the full text of the keynote.

China and the United States is not the full text of the words to slim victory, but in a Accessibilty popular, accurate and effective literary language thoroughly conquered the readers.


I’m reading a book named Suet ball, which was written by Maupassant, one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world.

He created hundreds of short stories and six novels during his short

lifetime. As we all know, he is famous for his short stories, especially the story Suet ball which won him great reputation around the world.

Suet ball was based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia. This novel tells the sad story of a harlot called suet ball. With several noble French on the carriage, she was on the way leaving her city for her at the point of killing a Prussia soldier.

Though she was looked down by these people, she was selfless to share her food with them. Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer. The officer didn’t let them go unless suet ball agree to sleep with him for one night. At first, she was determined to refuse his unreasonable request. However, these noble people were so selfish that they instigated her to say yes to him, thoroughly giving up their patriotism. So this kind-hearted girl took their advice, selling her body to get in their freedom in return. To our surprise, when the pitiful girl needed food and drink after the torment, nobody among them gave a hand to her and they even ruthlessly condemned her “shameful” conduct. Suet ball had no choice but to hug herself tightly, sobbing.

There is no doubt that these so-called nobles were selfish and greedy, for they only cared about themselves and wealth. When something or somebody is useless, they will abandon them without hesitation, such as suet ball. On the contrast, suet ball, one of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person. She not only gave food to these ugly people but also sell her body for their freedom. The most important thing was that she refused to sleep with the enemy because she regarded it as a betrayal to her motherland. She kept her conscience all the time while others had lost it in cruel wars. She was born in slush but her heart was pure.

In my opinion, these people were lousy, and the two nuns were disgusting. Since they were the symbol of God, they should treat everyone equally. Nevertheless, when suet ball was in need of help, they just hid themselves and looked on her coldly. Although a few days ago they also took in her tasty food and fragrant wine. They had totally abandoned their duty and opened the door to help others who were in straits.

We can see from the story that everyone is stark-naked in front of wars. Don’t judge one person by his or her appearance or position. Cruel wars will strip all the external stuffs. Those so-called noble people were actually mean. However, suet ball, a harlot, showed her patriotism and remained faithful and unyielding.

I think the author wanted to sing the praises of the courage to resist the enemies and the emotion of patriotism through the character-suet ball. And because of his successful describe, suet ball has become an well-known symbol for her faith and patriotism.

In conclusion, this short story is worth reading nowadays, because we will learn to be brave and perseverance.

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